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National Volunteer Week Spotlight: Big Sister Maritza and Little Sister Daleth

Meet Big Sister Maritza and Little Sister Daleth! They’ve been matched for almost one year in our Community-Based Mentoring program. Read more about Maritza’s experience in our program below.


What inspired you to become a volunteer mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands? 

What inspired me to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters was a desire to gain experience as a mentor and learn what it means to support someone younger than myself. 


How has being a mentor changed or enriched your life? 

Becoming a mentor has had a profound impact on my life, teaching me patience and the importance of allowing a child to be themselves. 


What are some similarities you and your mentee share? What activities do you enjoy doing together? 

My mentee and I enjoy exploring downtown together, browsing stores that sell vintage items, and sharing new music. We've discovered that we both have a passion for the same genre of music and share spontaneous, outgoing personalities. 


What would you tell others who are thinking of becoming a volunteer mentor? 

To someone considering becoming a volunteer mentor, I would emphasize that this role requires a serious, long-term commitment. From my experience, even if some children or teenagers don't openly express how much you matter to them, you undoubtedly make a significant impact on their lives. It's important to consistently be there for them and demonstrate genuine care. Avoid viewing kids as merely an assignment or a checkbox for school or community service; instead, recognize them as individuals deserving of compassion and respect. 


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